In June and July this year, over 3700 doctors completed a GMC survey on the satisfaction of their role, the environment they work in and their career intentions. Overall, the findings showed that GPs are more likely to feel dissatisfied, to have already reduced or plan to reduce their hours, and to be thinking about leaving the profession. The results showed that over the last year, 36% of GPs reduced their clinical hours, compared with 21% of all doctors having taken this action. Only 9% of GPs reported always or usually feeling able to cope, while rarely or never working beyond their rostered hours, compared to 26% of all doctors.
The report also notes that more GPs work less than full time than other doctors (49% compared to 23% of doctors overall), and touches on the changing make-up of GP training, with international medical graduates now representing 23% of all GP trainees, up from 16% three years ago. The results underline what the GPC has been saying publicly for many years: general practice is in crisis. The report containing the full survey results and a wide range of data on the GMC register is available if you follow this link: