We aim to provide information and links to national, and where available, local guidance on key areas relating to general practice in one central place within this section of the resource library. Examples include, but are not limited to: GP Coroner's Advice, List Dispersal Guidance, and the GP Regulations.
A range of documents are also available to all in our resource library accessed at the bottom of this section beneath the A-Z links.
LMC folder - Accelerated access
Accelerated access to gp held patient records guidance (BMA)
Access to patient records through the nhs app (NHSE transformation)
Using enhanced review snomed codes when giving a patient access to their health record(NHS Digital)
NHS App guidance for GP practices (NHS Digital)
GP online services toolkit (RCGP)
NHSE Business continuity guidance
LMC Business continuity folder (updated Jan 22)
National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021
Trafford CCG Practice briefings
Pharmacy First Service (launched 31/01/24)
B0134 primary medical care policy and guidance manual v4 (updated 1 June 22)
General Practice Extraction Service (GPES)( NHS Digital)
GP contract details - ALL (NHSE)
Update to the GP contract agreements 2024/25: financial implications (NHSE)
GMS statement of financial entitlements directions 2024 (NHSE)
PCN 24/25 - see PCN section
GP Contracts - LMC main folder
NHS standard contract 24-25 (NHSE)
The GM Care Record Information Pack for GPs
GMCR update for Primary Care (HiM Jun 21)
Death Related including Medical Examiner Information
Domestic Homicide Reviews Statutory Guidance 2016
GMS statement of financial entitlements amendment directions 2021
Domestic Abuse Act 2021: What GPs and Surgery Staff Need to Know?
Sessional and locum GP contract guidance (BMA)
Supporting guidance for salaried GPs (BMA)
Sickness absence (NHS Employers)
New to partnership payment scheme (NHSE)
Disclosure and barring service checks (BMA)
Training resource for GP practice staff (BMA)
Employment status checklist (BMA)
Joint employment of shared staff in GP practices (BMA)
Managing the disciplinary process: guide for GP practices (BMA)
Employing clinical pharmacists in GP practices (BMA)
Employing physician associates in GP practices (BMA)
Employing trainees on the 2016 junior doctor contract (BMA)
Guide to working conditions for salaried GPs and employers (BMA)
Guide to annual leave for salaried GPs (BMA)
Maternity, paternity and adoption leave (BMA)
Sessional and locum GP contract guidance (BMA)
Childminder health forms - BMA
Insurance reports and certificates - BMA
Non nhs reports guide for GPs - BMA
Mental health evidence form for patients in debt - BMA
What to charge your patients - BMA
What services can and cannot be charged for - BMA
Certificates GPs cannot charge for
Firearms Advice - BMA updated 16/12/21
Freedom to speak up Trafford CCG policy
Freedom to speak up Salford CCG policy
Freedom to speak up NHSE policy
Inclusive care of trans and non-binary patients (BMA)
Gender Identity Toolkit for General Practice (IGPM)
Access to health records guidance Nov19 (BMA)
Consent to access health records - Law society
Accessing medical records of deceased patient (NHSE)
GM infant male circumcision resource
Gender Identity Toolkit for General Practice (IGPM)
Inclusive care of trans and non-binary patients (BMA)
Patients presenting with dental problems (BMA)
Doctors of the world translated health information
Increase in invasive group A streptococcus (iGAS) infections
Indemnity (CNSGP) - NHS Resolution
Gov UK (11 Feb 21) White Paper
Mediation in General Practice (BMA)
PALS-patient advice and liaison services
While you Wait leaflets (multiple languages)
PCN DES 24/25 Documentation (NHSE)
2024/25 priorities and operational planning guidance (NHSE)
Fuller Stocktake Report May 2022
2022/23 priorities and operational planning guidance (NHSE)
GMHSC Partnership Prospectus The next 5 years
Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness
A guide to GP premises leases (BMA)
Disposing of clinical waste (BMA)
Template GP premises lease (BMA)
Service charges for GP premises (BMA)
GP sustainability loan scheme (BMA)
Sustainable and environmentally friendly general practice report (BMA)
Responsibility for prescribing between primary, secondary and tertiary care (NHSE)
Discharge medicines toolkit (NHSE)
Private Provider requests for investigations under the NHS - BMA (Feb 22)
Minimum Care Standards for Independent Healthcare Establishments
Example of 'Defining the boundaries between Private and NHS care'
Ethical guidance for doctors(GMC)
Professional standards north-west team (NHSE)
Framework for managing performer concerns (NHSE)
Medical Performers Tribunal Service
NHSE An intro to QI in Gen Prac
QOF changes and guidance 22/23
QOF indicators and payments (BMA)
Primary Medical Care and Policy Guidance Manual V3
NHS Pension Scheme Regulations
Safe working in general practice (BMA) 2023
Workload control in General Practice (BMA) Mar 2018
Safe Working in General Practice (BMA) 2016
Pushing back on inappropriate workload (BMA)
Practice list validation (BMA)
Special Allocation Scheme and removing violent patients - BMA
Reporting requirement to CQC after removing patient (Police incident)