The NHS England consultation process on Digital First is open for comments until 31st August 2019 and we would encourage you all to respond. GPC England has now submitted a response. The paper sets out proposed changes to patient registration, funding and contracting rules and makes suggestions for tackling workforce shortages, particularly in under-doctored and deprived communities. The GPC England response makes clear the out of area regulations should be withdrawn as they allow digital providers to profit by prioritising largely healthy patients and short-term care rather than delivering a comprehensive service for patients with more healthcare needs and providing continuity of care for all in a local population.
The NHS Long Term Plan commits that every patient will have the right to be offered digital first primary care by 2023/24. The new 5-year framework for GP contract reform describes the areas in which we expect early progress to be made in general practice. For example, by April 2020, all patients should have access to their full records, and by April 2021, all patients should have the right to online and video consultations.