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22nd August 2019

Data sharing guidance

Non-mandatory advice for Salford and Trafford

NHS England and the GPC England have agreed on a non-mandatory, high level data sharing template for use by PCN's. To make things easier for practices, the BMA has also produced a version of the agreed template which expands on a number of areas with greater detail, along with guidance on the document.  This provides practices with a better idea of how they might like to populate the template agreement, including proposed best practice when sharing and transferring data between partners within the network.  Further information and a link to the BMA resources are available on the BMA website.

The template and the guidance have been drafted for the BMA by Mills and Reeve. It is important to note that neither the template nor the guidance, constitute legal advice and are only intended as a guide to be adapted as required. When completing the template agreement, it is recommended that practices receive appropriate professional advice.