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Latest updates from your local medical community

3rd December 2024

GP pressures: latest workforce and appointment data

GPs continue to treat many more patients than they have done in the past. The latest data shows a record 63.66 million patients registered with practices in England, while there are over 1,300 fewer fully qualified full time GPs compared to 2015.

2nd December 2024

Flu vaccination survey

The NHS England vaccination strategy, launched in December 2023, contained a proposal for NHSE to explore the impact of a move to the centralised provision of flu vaccines. 

2nd December 2024

Data (Use and Access) Bill

Changes to UK data protection law have been proposed in the government’s new Data (Use and Access) Bill which had its second reading in the House of Lords in November. Their briefing highlighted concerns about the potential impact on health data should there be a departure from existing high standards of data protection. The BMA is particularly concerned about the erosion of transparency standards when data is processed for research purposes and the threat to the regulatory independence of the Information Commissioner’s Office. 

2nd December 2024

BMA GP opinion survey 2024 – Have you had your say yet?

The BMA GP Opinion Survey is still open. This annual survey gathers GPs’ views on current issues facing General Practice and is helping to influence and inform this year’s contract negotiations, inn addition to their longer-term strategy of promoting and protecting the future of General Practice.

2nd December 2024

‘Protect your Patients and Protect your Practice‘ campaign

The BMA’s ‘Protect your Patients and Protect your Practice‘ campaign webpage has information about all of the actions.

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