The following link is an extremely useful set of explanatory notes on the effect of the new Act. The purpose of the Coronavirus Bill is to enable the Government to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a Covid-19 pandemic.
Reminder: Weekly updates from the GPC can be found under the Resources section of this website under Members Only which is available to all levy paying members. Please check this area regularly for future GPC updates as these will no longer be sent out as a pdf document each week.
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Two pieces of guidance have been developed and circulated today (23 March 2020) which the BMA have agreed with RCGP and NHSEI. This is for clinicians working in general practice in the UK, and can be found here:
They should be read alongside guidance from the BMA on workload prioritisation dated 19 March 20. During the development of this guidance consideration was given to work that is essential to maintain public health and that which is unlikely to cause harm if delayed for approximately a short number of months.
Online isolation notes via NHS111 online, for patients that are self isolating, have now been launched. An isolation note can be obtained without contacting a doctor, this will reduce the pressure on GP surgeries and prevent people needing to leave their homes. The notes can be accessed through the NHS website here:
and here:
Please find below a link leading to latest advice for Coronavirus Guidance for Clinicians:-
Receive the latest updates from us and in real time on X (formerly Twitter) @SSTLMC. Retweets for interest; not necessarily endorsement.
The LMC office is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm. We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days. In the first instance, please use our Contact Us page.
You can also visit our CV19 page for the latest CV19 guidance.