The BMA’s England GP committee (GPCE) has generated a guide to enable practices to prioritise safe patient care, within the present bounds of the GMS contract.
The CQC has amended its guidance, which clarifies that there is no specific training on learning disability and Autism that is mandatory.
The BMA have been calling for clear and effective public health messaging on Strep A, to ensure that it is clear where to go for help and to reassure the vast majority of people that they will not go on to become seriously unwell.
We encourage anybody who is feeling under strain to seek support, and also check in on your colleagues’ wellbeing...
General practice continues to face overwhelming pressures, with unmanageable workloads, coupled with a rapidly shrinking and exhausted workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a vast backlog of care, which is so far largely unmeasured and unrecognised in general practice, exerting greater pressure on a system already at breaking point.
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You can also visit our CV19 page for the latest CV19 guidance.