As part of the review of the functions of the Medicines Optimisation Teams across GM, there is an intention moving forwards to standardise MO indicators of the various incentive schemes across Greater Manchester.
In March 2024, some changes were made to e-RS which allowed Referral Assessment Services (RASs) to be added to a patient’s shortlist.
A reminder that practices will have from 29th April 2024 until close of business on Friday 17th May2024 to make any resubmissions or submit any challenges.
NHS GM (Trafford Locality) is pleased to release the role of Clinical Lead - Long term conditions CCPL (clinical and care professional leadership) vacancies for (Trafford locality) recruitment.
Vacancy at NHS GM (Trafford Locality): Clinical Lead - Long term conditions
Since April 2021 the provision of all NHS-funded routine vaccination and immunisation (V&I) services for children and adults has been an essential service, except for the COVID-19, childhood and seasonal influenza (adults and at risk) vaccination programmes which continue to be commissioned as enhanced services.
General practice vaccination and immunisation services: standards and core contractual requirements
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