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4th March 2020

COVID-19 Guidance for GP Practices

Updated with new advice from NHS England on 9th March

In order to ensure you are accessing the LATEST information available, we are providing the links to the main guidance on Coronavirus (Covid-19) for GP practices. All links to all available NHSE/PHE guidance and regulation can be found at:


3rd March 2020

GPC Contract Roadshows

For England

The GPC England executive team we will be presenting the GP contract details for 2020-21 to GPs and LMCs, at a series of contract roadshow events across England over the coming month. Full contract details can be found here:-

3rd March 2020

Joint Letter On Pension Tax Changes

BMA Continues to Lobby

The BMA continues to lobby for pension tax reform ahead of an anticipated announcement in the forthcoming Budget on 11th March 2020, and has written a joint letter together with several other health bodies to the new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak MP, calling for a solution to the pension taxation crisis.The letter states that:- “It is essential that such a reform of pension taxation policies is implemented as soon as possible. This change is supported by the signatories of this letter and the tens of thousands of doctors our organisations represent.”

28th February 2020

NHS 111

Data Sharing Agreements

We understand practices are still being approached by NHS111 providers to sign Data SharingAgreements in order for NHS 111 staff to book GP appointments directly. 

28th February 2020

Coronavirus Update


The containment of COVID-19 remains of major concern and the situation is being monitored and we will continue to disseminate information as it becomes available. The GPC webpage is regularly updated with guidance and links to information from Public Health England, Health Protection Scotland, Public Health Wales and Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland), and the Department of Health and Social Care.

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Opening Hours

The LMC office is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm. We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 5 working days. In the first instance, please use our Contact Us page.   

You can also visit our CV19 page for the latest CV19 guidance.